Quarter page ad in Keepsake Program Book Logo/Name our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages Tree with signs for Light Up Methuen
Logo/Name our website, Facebook, and Twitter and Instagram pages 22 inch lighted wreath with signs for Light Up Methuen
Half page ad in Keepsake Program Book, Logo/Name on table cards Logo/ Name on Logo/Name our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages Tree & lighted wreath with signs for Light Up Methuen
2 Tickets to Celebration of Achievement Dinner or 2 Tickets to a Tournament Full page ad in Keepsake Program Book, Logo/Name on our website, Facebook, and Instagram pages Logo/Name on table cardsTree and lighted wreath with signs for Light Up Methuen
2 Tickets to Celebration of Achievement Dinner and 2 Tickets to a Tournament Full page ad in Keepsake Program Book Logo/Name on our website, Facebook, and Instagram pages Logo/Name included in event publicity , Verbal acknowledgement during programs Banner displayed at events , Logo/Name on table cardsTree and lighted wreath with signs for Light Up Methuen